Tuesday, March 20, 2007

It is official, I am headed to Japan!

Here is the infamous itinerary post which gets turned upside down and barely resembles itself at the end of the trip (this backpacking break needs to be a little more structured than my previous ones since I only have 12 days)

Day 1 (May 3rd) - Celebrate my course being over and fly from Tampa to Houston to Tokyo on Continental
Day 2 (May 4th) - Arrive in Tokyo around 2:20p, find my hostel, walk around crash
Day 3 (May 5th) - Spend the day in Tokyo (maybe Yokohama) try to catch a Baseball game
Day 4 (May 6th) - Em arrives, allow her crash if need be walk around Tokyo
Day 5 (May 7th) - Train to Kyoto, if there is time tour Kiyomizu-dera (if not, then the next day)
Day 6 (May 8th) - Stay in Kyoto and make a day trip to Amanohashidate
Day 7 (May 9th) - Travel to Mount Fuji
Day 8 (May 10th) - ???
Day 9 (May 11th) - ???
Day 10 (May 12th) - ??? have to end up in Tokyo (Capsule hotel?)
Day 11 (May 13rd) - Tokyo Disneyland
Day 12 (May 14th) - Narita then Tokyo-Houston-Tampa

The "???"'s are up for grabs. I am debating a few ideas (not sure when I can see Kamazakura but that looks pretty cool and would add a bit of old Japan) but am open for suggestions :)

Sayonara (or さよăȘら)



Anonymous said...

Test of blog

Dadman said...


Looking forward to some great blog entries. No pressure, Mr. Human Joke Machine.

Anonymous said...

Hola, Sobrino! I was looking at the Web site japan-guide.com and noticed you will be arriving in Tokyo on Golden Week. It sounds like people will be leaving Tokyo to go to the vacation destination of their choice- so, I think, you will be traveling in the opposite direction of the crowd, and should be OK. Can you reserve a room at the hostel in advance? Hope you have a super good time,

Anonymous said...

Hey tia-san,

Japan-guide is a good site. I picked up a few things (the Budda in Kamakura for example) to check out that way.

I reserved a spot at Sakura Hostel for the first two days.


Dadman said...

The YH looks good - and the directions are.....interesting. Good luck. At least with the amusement park nearby, you can get close to it, without getting too lost.

Anonymous said...

i am going to try "other" - dad