Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A look ahead...

My tentative schedule for the coming year is starting to materialize a bit...

August - Longboat Key and Toronto trip
September - Toronto and Auburn road trip
October - Denver Great American Beer Festival
November - Staying local
December - Staying put, or possibly road-tripping a Bulls road game

Now for 2008

January - Spain
February - Spain
March - Spain
April - Spain
May - Spain, Italy and "?"
June - Germany
July - Germany - Turkey - UAE
August - China and Japan
September - Japan
October - Japan
November - Japan
December - Japan and then Home Sweet Home

Sometime between January and May I will cross over into Portugal.

This could look pretty different from reality so I wanted to get it down. Oh btw, I am trying to update the blog at least once a month.



Clemens said...

Wow. Ambitious, to say the least. We expect the beer report from each one of these places. Though I notice that Kazakstan is not on the list.

And over four months in Spain - you WILL be talking Spanish when you get back. You can listen to all those Hispanic radio stations you dislike so much. And all the Telenovelas on TV.

How's the Japanese going?

Anonymous said...

I have been listening to a few Spanish radio stations (along with CNN en Espanol). I don't dislike the music it just bugs me to hear the phrase "mi gente" over and over. Apparently Americans aren't their gente.

The Japanese is on hold for a few months (though, depending on my schedule, I may try a night course at USF for conversational Japanese). Right now I am hitting Chinese and Spanish.

Kazakstah is in my plan B (although for Borat, most of the movie was filmed in Romania)

Requesting a beer report from me is like calling up an oldies station to have them play some Zeppelin ;)


Anonymous said...

Updates wanted on Algonquin and Auburn.