Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I Don´t Know What to do With Those Tossed Salads...

We arrived again in Sevilla two days ago to attend school and find a flat. Because this Thursday is "Andalucia Day" (come on! Isn´t everyday Andalucia Day??), and because we missed Monday´s class, we decided to wait to attend school next week when we can get our money´s worth. By the time we figured out all these plans, it was siesta time. So, we had to wait inside the school for the secretary to come back to show us the apartment.

Joey and I were getting hungry so I left to go find us some food (that wasn't McDonald's or BK). I ended up going to one of very few restaurants that was open during the hours of 2:00-5:00pm. I proudly returned to school with tomato slices with fresh mozzarella, spinach empanadas, and a big portion of the house salad, but found out that they had forgotten to give us utensils. Back I went to the restaurant, only to find that they didn't forget the utensils, they never give plasticware with the "para llevar" orders. What is a girl to do?! I searched for plastic forks at 3 other restaurants, and ended up coming back with 4 coffee stirrers. So, we watched a LOST episode and messily ate our salad and tapas.

When the woman returned, we found out that since we are not current students according to Enforex, we cannot stay in the student housing this week without paying an extra fee. Heeeeck no, so now we´re at a hostel.

...And Scrambled Eggs...

Last week, when Joey and I went to a restaurant and ordered (for dinner of course) eggs, hamburger, potatoes, and Russian salad, the eggs were soupy and the hamburger was underdone. I wouldn't say that I am a picky eater (but Joey would and has), but I do like my food cooked - well. We also ate at a cafe and split a Spanish tortilla on a baguette. Even the scrambled eggs were still too liquidy for me. So when Joey told me that the hostel had a kitchen, I was really excited to make my own food! This morning we had freshly baked bread, Tropicana orange juice and oranges, and DRY scrambled eggs =)

Goodnight Sevilla, we love you!


Unknown said...

Looking forward to the video - of what?? scrambled eggs?

Anyway, I'm with you..scrambled eggs ought to be fairly dry.

Adios for now.


Clemens said...

Ems - this is Europe! That was not undercooked hamburger.

It was overcooked steak tartare.